
Using Git with Subversion(SVN) on a Non-Standard Repository Layout

For the longest time I was a loyal Subversion(SVN) user. I know, it’s crazy, but I was. When I found out about Git, I was hooked immediately and used it for all of my personal projects. The problem was that at work we use SVN, and getting everyone to migrate to Git just wasn’t in the cards. Much to my surprise, Git has the ability to interact with a SVN repository, so I could still use it anyways.

The issue with my work’s current SVN layout is that it is non-standard. By that I mean all projects exist in one big happy repository. Something like:

Repository -> Project -> Trunk/Branches/Tags

Unfortunately, Git+SVN isn’t really all that excited about working with non-standard repositories, so I had to do some experimentation and Googling to figure it all out. Eventually, I came up with the following steps:

Step 1: Clone the Repo
The first step in this process is actually cloning your SVN repository. By clone, we mean make a full copy of it and all of the revision history.

git svn clone svn://the.svn.server/allEncompassingRepo/project -trunk=trunk/ .

After the initial clone is complete, we move to fixing where git should look for things.

Step 2: Set up fetch, branches, and tags
The initial setup for fetch, branches, and tags gets screwed up at this point if you have a non-standard layout like my employer does, so we need to do some cleanup. Open .git/config and set the following:

url = svn://the.svn.server/allEncompassingRepo
fetch = project/trunk:refs/remotes/trunk
branches = project/branches/*:refs/remotes/*
tags = project/tags/*:refs/remotes/tags/*

Now that the config file is all set, go ahead and save.

Step 3: Pull down your files
The config file is all set, so you’re ready to do your first pull.
git svn fetch svn
That’s all there is to it. If you’d like to know how to use Git+SVN, I suggest reading the fine article over at Viget.

Other Programming

Using JSHint with Sublime Text 2

Awhile ago I was looking an editor that was cross platform, light weight, and awesome. I’d dabbled with Netbeans in the past, but found it to be a little heavy for what I needed it for. I ended up settling on Sublime Text 2. I have a hard time coming up with words for how awesome Sublime Text 2 is, so here’s a screenshot of my current window.


One of the languages I find myself writing frequently is Javascript. As most of you know, Javascript has an assortment of odd conventions that can be pretty hard to remember. Code quality checkers like JSLint and JSHint exist for this reason. Prior to Sublime Text 2 I never bothered integrating either of those tools into my editor, but found myself needing to streamline my development process.

Sublime Text 2 provides an easy way to write build systems depending on which language you’re using. The sublime-jshint plugin takes advantage of this. All you do to make this work is go to the sublime-jshint GitHub page, and follow the instructions. Once it’s installed, run CTRL+B (CMD+B on Mac) while inside a Javascript file and you should see output like this.


Creating jQuery Plugins

Update: I was able to get permission to release the iScroll plugin! Check it out here.

Not too long ago I decided to write a jQuery plugin for making the use of iScroll a little less painful. Since I made the plugin at work I’m not really at liberty to share it. But what I can share is a step by step tutorial for creating a jQuery plugin of your own. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Scope

If you’ve been writing Javascript with jQuery for any amount of time, you find out pretty quickly that proper scoping is very important. You also learn that the $ symbol isn’t reliable. So what’s a coder to do? Make sure that your scope is contained within an anonymous function, and that you pass the jQuery object into that function.

(function($) {

If you paste this code into your console (assuming jQuery is included), you should receive a print out of what version of jQuery you’re using.

Step 2: Functions

Now that you have the basic wrapper written, we need to write some real code. Before we start, there are 3 things you need to know.

  1. Functions are attached to the $.fn object.
  2. There may be more than one element passed into your function (plugin)
  3. We want to keep the chain alive if possible. (See jQuery Chaining if you have questions)

So, let’s write a function that adds the class “bob” to every item in the set. Yes, we could just use the .addClass() method, but then we wouldn’t need to write a plugin would we?

(function($) {
	$.fn.addBob = function() {  //Add the function
		return this.each(function() { //Loop over each element in the set and return them to keep the chain alive.
			var $this = $(this);

Step 3: Options

So let’s say you need to pass some options to your plugin. You know, like Bob’s last name, or if we should remove Bob. To accomplish this, all you do is create a defaultOptions object and load it with defaults. Then you use the $.extend function to overwrite it’s values with values passed in as a function parameter.

(function($) {
	$.fn.addBob = function(customOptions) {  //Add the function
		var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.addBob.defaultOptions, customOptions);
		return this.each(function() { //Loop over each element in the set and return them to keep the chain alive.
			var $this = $(this);
			//Determine what name to use.
			var name = "";
			if(options.lastName != "") {
				name = "bob-" + options.lastName;
			} else {
				name = "bob";
			//Are we removing items?
			if(options.remove) {
			} else {
	$.fn.addBob.defaultOptions = {
		lastName : "",
		remove : false	

Step 4: Running your plugin

Now that you’ve written your plugin, you need to run it!

<ol id='x'>
<ol id='y'>


	$("#x li, #y li").addBob({lastName: "awesome"});


<ol id='x'>
	<li class='bob-awesome'></li>
	<li class='bob-awesome'></li>
<ol id='y'>
	<li class='bob-awesome'></li>
	<li class='bob-awesome'></li>


	$("#y li").addBob({lastName: "awesome", remove: true});


<ol id='x'>
	<li class='bob-awesome'></li>
	<li class='bob-awesome'></li>
<ol id='y'>

That’s all there is to it. If you have any questions, leave a comment and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.


jQuery Chaining

jQuery is the jewel in the crown that is web development. Once you discover it, Javascript is no longer a chore to write, hell, it might even be considered fun! Sure being able to select elements by ID, class, or type is great, but what about all the other stuff? What about chaining? I’ve heard such great stuff about it!


The first thing you need to know about chaining is that you chain actions on to collections. A collection is what is returned when you select something using jQuery.

$("input");  //Collection of all input elements on the page.

When most people start using jQuery, they do something like this:

$("input").attr("data-bind", "15");

Yes, this code will work, but it’s inefficient. Every time you perform a selection, jQuery must traverse the DOM and find all the input elements. If you use chaining, it will simply use the collection of input elements that it already has.

	.attr("data-bind", "15");

So why does this work? Because each method that you call in the chain returns the collection. So in this case “val()”, “addClass()”, and “attr()” all return “$(input)”. However, not all methods support chaining. For instance, the “text()” method breaks the chain, so if you’re going to use it, do it at the end.
What if you want to keep the chain alive though? No problem. You can simply back-out of the destructive action using the “end()” method.


<ol id='mylist'>




<ol id='mylist' class='thelist'>
	<li class='Mix catfood'>
	<li class='catfood'>
	<li class='Meow catfood'>

While sometimes confusing, you can see that chaining is often the most efficient way to handle modifying the DOM.

Writing Chainable Plugins/Functions

Now that you know all about chaining, you’ll probably want to write your own chainable plugins/functions. It’s very easy to do this, since all you need to do is return the jQuery object at the end of the function.

In this example, we’ll write a plugin that attaches a second counter to an element.


(function($) {
	$.fn.count = function() {
		return this.each(function() {  //We do an 'each', because the collection may have more than one item in it.
			var self = $(this);  //
			var theInterval = window.setInterval(function() {
				var c = parseFloat(self.text());
				self.html(c + 1);
			}, 1000);
}) (jQuery);


	<span id='test'></span>


$("#test").count().parent().addClass('counters'); //Chaining still works :)
PHP Programming

PHP Dark Arts: References

Remember the first time you dabbled in C?  Oh, the glorious typing, functions, and structs!  Now do you remember the first time you ran in to a pointer?  ‘*’, ‘&’, ‘->’ all made your hurt, but eventually you figured it out.  It’s fortunate (depending how you look at it) that we don’t have need to dabble with pointers or references while web programming these days.  However, PHP does allow us to passing things around by reference.  It’s not used often, but when used correctly can be very beneficial to the quality of your code.

What are PHP references?

The first thing you need to know about PHP references is that they are not C references.  You can’t do pointer arithmetic on them because they aren’t actually addresses.  In PHP references are actually symbol table aliases.  This means that you can have 2 variable names sharing the same variable content.

What can you do with references?

There are 3 things that you can do with PHP references.

  • Assign by reference.
  • Pass by reference.
  • Return by reference.
$x =& $y;
$x = 3;
echo "X: $x, Y: $y";

The above code sets $x and $y’s references to the same content area. Therefore, when $x is assigned 3, $y has access to the same data.

function add_item(&$item) {
$totalItems = 0;
for($i = 0; $i <; 5; $i++) {
echo "Total items: $totalItems";

This code allows you to modify a variable’s value without ever returning anything. In this example I made a simple counter, but you can set the value of $item to anything and it should work out just fine.

class Test {
	public $count = 0;
	public function &getCount() {
		return $this->count;
$t = new Test();
$value = &$t->getCount();
$t->count = 25;
echo $value;

This code returns a reference to the public $count variable of the Test class. Generally this isn’t best practice, as it lowers the readability of the code.

Unsetting References

In the event that you want to free a variable from it’s reference to another, you can simply use the unset function.

$x =& $y;

Fixing DreamHost’s Django Deployment Script

I recently created a trivial site locally with Django that I wanted to deploy on my DreamHost shared server.  DreamHost has made this process pretty painless by creating an easy-to-follow guide that can be found here.  The only problem is that it doesn’t work.  After entering in my project name and database info, i got the error message:

Creating project framework…  oops, django-admin failed to run!

With nothing to lose (and not wanting to figure out how to get Passenger set up on my own), I dove into their script.  As it turns out, the problem is on line 126.

if os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, "/usr/bin/", "", "startproject", projname) != 0:

Apparently on DreamHost, has dropped the extension. So if you replace line 126 with the following, everything works great.

if os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, "/usr/bin/django-admin", "django-admin", "startproject", projname) != 0:

Dual-Boot Pumpkin

I’m a nerd.  I regularly use Ubuntu, and just bought a Windows Phone 7 instead of an iPhone.  With Halloween right around the corner, I thought it was time to bump up my nerd credentials.

I now present to you… the Dual-Boot Pumpkin!

Dual-Boot Pumpkin Front (lights on)
Ubuntu (lights on)
Dual-Boot Pumpkin Rear (lights on)
Windows (lights on)

Dual-Boot Pumpkin Rear (lights off)
Windows (lights off)
Dual-Boot Pumpkin Front (lights off)
Ubuntu (lights off)
Other Programming PHP Programming

HTML 5 Canvas: Saving to a File with PHP

So you’ve finally discovered the wonder that is the HTML5 Canvas element. Great! If you’re like me, the first thing I wanted to do with it was doodle on it. I eventually worked out how to map touch/mouse events to the canvas and draw lines, but I wanted to save my creations!

As it turns out, the Canvas element has a method called toDataURL(), which base64 encodes the entire Canvas element and returns it as a string. From there, you can just pump it over to a server and handle it from there. Here’s the step-by-step, which assumes you are also running jQuery on your site.

Step 1: Save the canvas and POST the data

var data = document.getElementById("myCanvasID").toDataURL();
$.post("process.php", {
	imageData : data
}, function(data) {
	window.location = data;

Step 2: Process the POST data, and save it to a file.

$data = substr($_POST['imageData'], strpos($_POST['imageData'], ",") + 1);
$decodedData = base64_decode($data);
$fp = fopen("canvas.png", 'wb');
fwrite($fp, $decodedData);
echo "/canvas.png";

Note: The first line of this script removes the header information that is sent with the encoded data.

Thats all there is to it. You can now easily save your HTML 5 awesomeness.