
Using Git with Subversion(SVN) on a Non-Standard Repository Layout

For the longest time I was a loyal Subversion(SVN) user. I know, it’s crazy, but I was. When I found out about Git, I was hooked immediately and used it for all of my personal projects. The problem was that at work we use SVN, and getting everyone to migrate to Git just wasn’t in the cards. Much to my surprise, Git has the ability to interact with a SVN repository, so I could still use it anyways.

The issue with my work’s current SVN layout is that it is non-standard. By that I mean all projects exist in one big happy repository. Something like:

Repository -> Project -> Trunk/Branches/Tags

Unfortunately, Git+SVN isn’t really all that excited about working with non-standard repositories, so I had to do some experimentation and Googling to figure it all out. Eventually, I came up with the following steps:

Step 1: Clone the Repo
The first step in this process is actually cloning your SVN repository. By clone, we mean make a full copy of it and all of the revision history.

git svn clone svn://the.svn.server/allEncompassingRepo/project -trunk=trunk/ .

After the initial clone is complete, we move to fixing where git should look for things.

Step 2: Set up fetch, branches, and tags
The initial setup for fetch, branches, and tags gets screwed up at this point if you have a non-standard layout like my employer does, so we need to do some cleanup. Open .git/config and set the following:

url = svn://the.svn.server/allEncompassingRepo
fetch = project/trunk:refs/remotes/trunk
branches = project/branches/*:refs/remotes/*
tags = project/tags/*:refs/remotes/tags/*

Now that the config file is all set, go ahead and save.

Step 3: Pull down your files
The config file is all set, so you’re ready to do your first pull.
git svn fetch svn
That’s all there is to it. If you’d like to know how to use Git+SVN, I suggest reading the fine article over at Viget.

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SVN Merge Example (Trunk to Branch)

I’m often in the situation where I need to merge changes from the trunk development into a branch.  I can never, EVER, remember the command, so I’m putting in here in hopes that I can reference it again and that other people might find it useful.

svn merge -r x:y svn://repositoryURL/repo/trunk/ .

So, how does it work? X is the revision that you branched at. This can also be the revision that you last merged changes from. Y is the version that you want to merge up to.  In most instances, HEAD is probably what you’re looking for.

Note:  Using –dry-run if you want to see the changes that will be made before actually doing it.  It takes some of the “this is scary” out of merging.


Unobtrusive Subversion

Sometimes you enter a development environment that just isn’t going to work well with version control software.  Maybe they don’t want to use version control software, or maybe the way their infrastructure is set up makes it hard to do.
I currently work at such a place, so I came up with a way to use Subversion for the vast majority of projects that I work on.
Note:  This method works only if you have full ownership over a project.  Any other people working on it would have their changes overwritten.

If I have full ownership over a project, I do the following.
1) Import the project of relevant subdirectory into a new Subversion repository.
2) Make my edits locally, committing whenever I feel inclined.
3) When it’s time to update on the server, I do an “svn export” of the project, and then Rsync it with the server.
It’s not ideal situation, but it works well for now.