Wordpress Development

Securing Your WordPress Plugin: Nonces

So you’ve created an epic contact form plugin for your WordPress install.  It seems secure enough.  You’re validating input, checking input types, and doing everything else right.  After it’s been up for a few weeks, you take a look at your database and notice you’ve got a bunch of crap in there.  “How could this happen?!” you scream!

Well, it probably had something to do with a Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF).  Cross site request forgeries happen when someone starts submitting information to your form’s processing controller from another domain.  This is easy enough to do, because you can set the action field of a form to anything you want.  If you aren’t careful how you process your form, CSRF attacks can be a huge problem.   So how can you secure your plugin against CSRF attacks?  By using a nonce (Number used once).

Nonces are unique identifiers that you can use to make sure your form is coming from the right place.  To use them, you follow three simple steps.

  1. Create the nonce identifier. (wp_create_nonce)
  2. Place the identifier in your form or query string.
  3. Verify that the nonce is correct. (wp_verify_nonce)

In practice, it looks something like this.

$nonce = wp_create_nonce("my-plugin-nonce");
echo "<a href='controller.php?nonce={$nonce}'>Click here!</a>";

And then in your controller/processor…

$nonce = $_GET['nonce'];
if(!$wp_verify_nonce($nonce, "my-plugin-nonce")) due("No CSRF for you!");

That’s really all there is to it.  In literally 4 lines of code, you can make your plugin that much more secure.  On a side note, if you are using ajax to submit a form or pull data, you can pass the nonce through as a form field (or as part of the query string), but you’ll need you use a different function to verify it (check_ajax_referer).


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Other Programming

Ajax Utility Function

Edit:  This post was made before I started using JQuery or Mootools.  This can safely (luckily) be ignored now.

For the past couple months I’ve been playing around with Ajax style events on a few pages I’ve been working on.  One of the main problems I’ve run into is cross-browser compatibility (surprise!).  To solve that problem, I took the advice of a book that I’m reading and made a utility file for some of the most annoying cross-browser issues:  Event Handlers, Activated Objects, and Request Objects.  You can download the utility file by clicking the link below.

Download utils.js here.

Enjoy!  If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments and I’d be happy to get back with you.