PHP Programming

PHP Type Evaluation

Aside from grad school drama, I learned something new the other day about PHP.  In PHP, there are two ways to look for equality: “==” and “===”.

$a = “1”;
$b = 1;
if($a == $b) { echo “True”; } else { echo “False”; }
if($a === $b) { echo “True”; } else { echo “False”; }

The first if statement would evaluate to true because it only evaluates the value.  The second if statement would evaluate to false, because it evaluates both value AND type.

Other PHP Programming

Almost ready…

Sometime last year, my fiance and I came up with what seems like a great web site idea.  Over the past month, I have been implementing this idea a little at a time with the purpose of getting it out the door before school starts.  That being said, I’m within throwing distance of the end.

Big announcement to follow when it’s all ready.