Other Programming PHP Programming

HTML 5 Canvas: Saving to a File with PHP

So you’ve finally discovered the wonder that is the HTML5 Canvas element. Great! If you’re like me, the first thing I wanted to do with it was doodle on it. I eventually worked out how to map touch/mouse events to the canvas and draw lines, but I wanted to save my creations!

As it turns out, the Canvas element has a method called toDataURL(), which base64 encodes the entire Canvas element and returns it as a string. From there, you can just pump it over to a server and handle it from there. Here’s the step-by-step, which assumes you are also running jQuery on your site.

Step 1: Save the canvas and POST the data

var data = document.getElementById("myCanvasID").toDataURL();
$.post("process.php", {
	imageData : data
}, function(data) {
	window.location = data;

Step 2: Process the POST data, and save it to a file.

$data = substr($_POST['imageData'], strpos($_POST['imageData'], ",") + 1);
$decodedData = base64_decode($data);
$fp = fopen("canvas.png", 'wb');
fwrite($fp, $decodedData);
echo "/canvas.png";

Note: The first line of this script removes the header information that is sent with the encoded data.

Thats all there is to it. You can now easily save your HTML 5 awesomeness.