Django Python

Saving within a post_save signal in Django

One of the more useful features of the Django framework is it’s extensive signaling capabilities. The ORM throws off a handful of signals every time a model is initialized, modified, saved, or deleted. They include:

  • pre_init
  • post_init
  • pre_save
  • post_save
  • pre_delete
  • post_delete
  • m2m_changed
  • class_prepared

I tend to use the post_save signal fairly often as a good way to get around overriding the default save method on models. Recently though I ran into an issue where I was hitting the “maximum recursion depth exceeded” error when I was saving the current model from within the post_save signal. If you think about it, that makes a lot of sense. You save once, then save again in the signal and then it triggers the signal again. BOOM, infinite loop.

To get around the saving within a post_save signal problem, you just need to disconnect the post_save signal before you call save. After save, you can re-connect it.

from django.db.models import signals
signals.post_save.disconnect(some_method, sender=SomeModel)
signals.post_save.connect(some_method, sender=SomeModel)